Best Time Using Best Shapewear

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    Shapewear and waist trainer are used to get the best body shape. Most users are woman. Because of its function to shape the body, shapewear is made according to the ideal body shape.

    Women who wear shapewear need to choose the most effective time so that they can feel the benefits of this but without being disturbed by their activities. So, when is the best time to wear woman shapewear to get the best results?

    When Exercising

    While exercising is the best time it is recommended to use shapewear. Sports activities burn calories stored in the body. When wearing shapewear, the heat burned becomes more. Fat and calories in the body will be burned more completely.

    Sport Vest
    shapewear for exercising

    Make sure you choose and use shapewear that suits your sporting activity. When exercising you need shapewear that can absorb sweat and don't hinder your movement.

    Doing Activities at Home

    The benefits of shapewear can also be felt when used while doing activities at home. When doing homework, it is similar to exercise. You can feel the benefits of wearing shapewear but the housework is done too.

    Shapewear With Removable Strap
    shapewear for home activities

    Make sure you choose the type of shapewear that is comfortable. Shapewear or Waist trainer for women must be comfortable in order to be able to perform various activities

    When Relaxing while Reading a Book

    When you first wear shapewear and are not used to it, it will be difficult. Therefore, you can start while doing relaxing activities such as reading a book. You can read and still get in shape by wearing waist trainer.

    When the Body Relax

    When wearing shapewear, you still have to pay attention to the state of your body. Make sure you are relaxed. If you feel pressured or in pain, you can pause for a moment and continue at another time.

    Neo Sweat SportVest
    shapewear while relaxing

    Make sure not to wear shapewear on a night. Because at night, the body needs a relaxed state without any pressure. Don't let your desire to slim down quickly endanger yourself by wearing the wrong shapewear.

    The ideal use of women's shapewear is 5-6 hours in one day. By following the best time to use shapewear, you will get the best results later. The best shapewear is the shapewear used at the right time.

    25 komentar:

    1. I used to wear corset a couple years ago, but with so many hooks on it, the corset get dropped everytime the hooks loosen 🤦🏻‍♀️

    2. Awalnya aku pake shapewear tuh buat ngecilin perut pasca lahiran, taunya ga bgitu ngaruh buat ngecilin perut tapi lebih ke bantu ngebentuk badan. Tapi enak sih buat nopang bdan terutama bagian punggung kalo lagi aktivitas.

      1. nah iya, kayaknya memang lebih ngaruh terutama buat nopang badan. kalau buat dapat efek ngecilin perut, korset belum cukup, butuh aktivitas lainnya juga

    3. Jadi pakai shapewear bisa kapan saja ya, asalkan jangan pas tidur aja karena kurang baik bagi tubuh

      1. yup, betul sekali. hindari pemakaian saat tidur aja sih, jam lain mah bebas

    4. Jadi ingat aku punya semacam korset tuh di rumah ortu di Bogor pas lahiran, bisa dipakai lagi gitu ya sambil olahraga buat membentuk tubuh..

    5. Bodinya cakep bener deh modelnya jadi pengen pakai korset juga siapa tahu bodiku bisa kayak gitar yaa hehe

    6. Well, i have one shapewear but i never use it again. I used to wear it when i was in elementary school, cause i need it for the Jaipong dance contest~

    7. Pas awal baca artikel ini saya langsung inget kasus teman kuliah dulu yang selalu memakai korset saat tidur dengan tujuan biar kurus. Sekarang denger kabar kalau dia ada masalah kesehatan, kalau enggak salah sampai menderita lumpuh gitu.

      Dan bener banget, di akhir artikel dibilang kalau shapewear enggak boleh dipake di malam hari.

    8. Menarik kak! Aku juga pengen nyobain make jadinya... Kisaran harganya berapa?

    9. shapewear ini dibutuhin banget sama orang Bali kalau mau pakai kebaya, biar bentuk tubuhnya pas sama model kebayanya gitu

    10. dulu korslet yang aku tahu biasa di pake pas mau pake kebaya buat ke kondangan doang hehe

    11. Temanku juga pakai beberapa bulan sebelum menikah kak.Katanya biar gaun yang akan dipakai bisa mudah dikenakan. Dan setelah melahirkan korsetnya kepakai lagi.

    12. Ah iya, aku juga pakai korset setelah melahirkan
      Sekarang kadang juga pakai
      Buat menopang punggung

    13. Belum pernah pakai shapewear atau semacamnya. Tapi mungkin ini sangat di butuhkan kedepannya

    14. Shapewear ini bagus juga ya untuk kondisi perempuan dengan berat badan yang meningkat

    15. This shapewear will really help keep your body shape to stay ideal

    16. Lebih bisa menjaga bentuk tubuh dan postur tubuh tetap tegak juga ya dengan menggunakan shapewear ini.

    17. Iya emang sangat ga dianjurkan pake sesuatu yg ngeretriksi tubuh pas waktu malam, khususnya pas istirahat buat tidur.

      Kalau ngeliat shapewear atau korset ini suka ingetnya sama film2 spionase, biasanya dipake sama karakter femme fatale-nya.

    18. biasanya aku pake korset klo lagi nari, atau kebutuhan pas pake kebaya hihi, belum kebayang nih klo pake korset pas olahraga, bakal engap pasti ya perutnya hihi

    19. jadi korset jangan dipakai saat tidur yaa? Duh jadi ingat setiap kali habis lahiran saya selalu pakai korset saat tidur, huhuhu

    20. Ternyata ada aturannya ya buat pake shapewear. Ga bisa seharian jg utk hasil maksimal.

      For better result, please make sure you're on diet & healthy food.

    21. nyokap make yg mirip ginian untuk nopang badan dan mengurangi sakit punggung, direkomendasiin ma dokter

    22. Biasanya saya pakaikan korset ke klien pengantin buat menahan kain jarik agar kencang tapi tetap nyaman ketika duduk karena elastis. Bentuk badan jadi bagus kalau pakai kebaya press body.


    Terima kasih telah berkunjung dan meninggalkan jejak di Blognya Bening Pertiwi. Mudah-mudahan postingan saya bisa bermanfaat dan menginspirasi kamu :)

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